Monday, November 25, 2013

It's Go Time!

After being on bed rest for an entire week, I was anxiously awaiting my 37 week appointment.  I knew there was a possibility that if my blood pressure had not gone down, the doctor would want to induce, but I was trying to stay calm and not get to overwhelmed by the excitement or nerves of having the baby early.

My appointment was scheduled for 2:40pm.  My mom took me to it, and Josh was coming from work to meet me there.  The nurse called Josh and I back, took my blood pressure, and it was once again high.  The doctor came in and asked if I had experienced any headaches in the last week.  After telling her I had a headache over the past three days, she was worried about the possibility of my high blood pressure causing me to have a seizure.  She believed that it didn't benefit the baby or myself to stay pregnant with the issues I was experiencing, and decided induction was the safest route for the two of us.  We were told to head over to the hospital.

Josh and I walked out, eyes wide with excitement, and announced to my mom (and everyone in the waiting room of the OBGYN), "It's go time!!".  :)

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