Monday, July 8, 2013

Boy or Girl?

Are you having a boy or girl?  This is everyone's first question when they see us.  Everyone is so excited to know the baby's gender...and so are we.  BUT...we are even more excited to wait until November to find out.  We think it is going to be such an exciting day, and on top of that excitement, we will find out if our Pappito is a he or she!!  EEK!

We went to our 18 week appointment and knew we could find out the sex, which was crazy.  However, because we put it in our minds to wait, it was easier.  The sonographer told us that the baby had its legs crossed so he/she must not have wanted us to know either. He didn't work hard to find out the gender since we didn't want to know anyways.  Literally NO ONE, (but God of course) knows what we're having.   I think that's so neat!

At the appointment, I noticed my mom, Josh, and I were all wearing blue shirts. that a sign?  We'll have to wait and see!  Afterwards, we went to Target and began to register for all the goodies.  Some of the items were difficult to find in a gender neutral color.  There was a ton of pink and blue things.  Even if we knew the gender, we still would not register for a gender specific color because I would like to use the items for each baby we have.  But, we did our best to find the perfect fit for our little one.

Decorating the nursery is going to be somewhat of a challenge.  Pinterest has given me so many ideas, which is helpful, but also hard.  We've decided on a creams, tans, and khaki as the base colors.  If it's a boy, we will add navy blue accents.  If it's a girl, we will add mint green and coral decor.  Some of the decorating will have to wait until the baby gets here.  But that's okay...I doubt he/she will mind!  :)  Between my mom, Amber, and my mother in law, Lisa, I'm sure we can get the room decorated in no time!

Anxiously waiting Mama,

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